Repairing autos can be fun and exciting and at the same time, you may face some problems too. Although accidents are not very common but minor injuries happen any moment you become careless. Thus, it is necessary to take safety precautionary measures so that you can protect yourself and other employees from getting injured.
A proper measure taken at the right time may seem a blessing for you, your co-workers, your customer as well as the car that is being repaired. Here are a few safety tips.
Safety Rules for Automotive Repair Shops
- You should never ever smoke near any garage or repair bay. There are vehicles out there are they contain flammable and combustible fluids. These can catch fire very fast when they get in touch with any cigarette or any kind of fire.
- The work area should always be kept clean and organized. If tools and other equipment are cluttered here are there, they may get lost as well as can be a cause of accident.
- The clothing that you wear to the repair shop should not be too loose neither they be ripped off anywhere. This may be dangerous and for preventing employees from wearing such dress there are uniforms at any repair shop.
- Protective gears are must while you work at the auto repair shop. Different gears like, goggles, shoes, gloves, ear protection must be worn while you are working out there.
- Fire extinguishers should be readily available and you must be able to use them. They should be accessed quickly and charged with the right type of material that will help in putting off any kind of fire.
- While the engine is running never keep your hands or tools on the object. The moving parts may cause injury to you as well as the vehicle may also get damaged.
- While working on any electrical system it is best to disconnect the battery. They can be dangerous even when the battery is off.
- Until and unless you are properly supported you should not work underneath any vehicle. If the vehicle is not stable and it falls you are going to get injured severely.
To conclude
While working in a auto repair shop it is necessary that you check out your surrounding and make sure that there are no chances of getting injured. If you are careful you can complete your job without any hazards for sure